Elections are over and the citizens of Carthage have chosen to keep Jimmy Chalflinch as Mayor.  Al Barber as well as I will also retain our positions as Carthage Commissioners!  I greatly appreciate the support that was provided and will continue to work for the benefit of our fine community with our well-balanced board.  I would also like to recognize the other candidates.  Elections can be difficult on an individual.  We are all still human after all.  An effort to move into the public eye always opens one to public scrutiny.  While I realize that we may differ on ways to solve Carthage’s issues I respect the other candidates for being willing to step up to the plate.  I am pleased with what Carthage has accomplished in the last four years and am eager to see how much more we can do in the next four years.  Thank you again for all your support!  -Dan 


Carthage Town Administration

What has our team accomplished in the last 4 years?

  • Hired new Town Manager.

  • Hired full timer planner.

  • Hired full time HR officer.

  • Elevated intern position to full time management analyst.

  • Hired full time accounting specialist.

  • Hired new front desk employee.

  • Operated town in the absence of electricity during grid attack.  This ensured that town emergency services as well as water and maintenance were fully functional throughout the ordeal.

  • All-inclusive handicap playground installed at Carthage Elementary with funds raised by local Ellie Jean Project initiative.

  • Conducted pay study for all town employees and used results to build reward system based on capabilities and personal growth.  This enables all employees to receive comparable pay to industry peers .

  • Approved and implementing bicycle and pedestrian plan.

  • Created Town of Carthage 2040 Land Use Plan Developed Town of Carthage strategic plan 2022-2025.

  • Upgrading intranet from unreliable onsite server to cloud based system.  This system allows for heavier data processing on the cloud thus allowing local systems to last much longer and reduces the requirement to buy newer systems as often as before.

  • Added two additional offices during renovation in town hall.

  • Added new roof to town hall.

  • Re-allocated older police vehicle to town staff for town inspections saving cost of purchasing new vehicle.

  • Implemented new cloud-based invoice payment system that has resulted in a 75% drop in trouble calls.

  • Streamlined ordinance enforcement.

  • Gained grant that will pay to replace current towns welcome signs.

  • Restructured parking lines on Monroe street near courthouse.  This has significantly increased safety by keeping vehicles from blocking lanes of traffic.

  • Added lines and planters to traffic circle to guide pedestrians to safer routes away from passing traffic.

  • Added signs for sister city of Flavy-le-Martel in France.

  • Added 2 more murals courtesy of the Century committee.

  • Added Carthage digital mural trail courtesy of the Convention & Visitors Bureau.

  • Secured $100k from developers for use in park and trail improvements.

  • Gained Rural Transformation Grant (RTG) grant of $350k.

  • Gained another RTG grant of $50k.

  • Currently updating Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).

  • In process of downtown revitalization effort.

  • Granted downtown buggy building to southern Pines brewery who is currently retrofitting it into a brewery know as the buggy factory.  This builds a gathering place for citizens as well as saves our historic building.

  • Farmer’s market established that meets every Friday in downtown area.

  • Started the “Merry Thanksgiving festival”.

  • Started the annual town Chili cookoff.

  • Facilitated Infill of Carthage town limits.

  • Brought in new business.